15 Superfoods To Keep You Slim

Fat burning superfood
What is the big buzz about superfoods these days? Superfoods are nutritionaly dense foods which keep you in an amzaing shape and providing you with the best nutrition your body demands.
Yes you are pumping iron in the gym, doing loads of cardio and other physical activities. But still you don't have much success in getting lean. Nutrition is very important in maintaining overall fitness. Eating the right food items can greatly help in losing weight and becoming ripped like those fitness models.

Here are 15 superfoods that will help you in your quest of reducing that unwanted flab easily and effectively. Play close attention and most important- Incorporate these foods in your diet!!

1. Green Tea

green tea fat burning weight loss

Green Tea can be the best drink to quench your thirst while caring about your health. Replacing your fizzy drinks and sodas with Green Tea has it's own benefits.You cut back on unwanted sugar which causes health problems. Green tea also has bad cholesterol reducing abilities. Green tea contains the anti-oxidant EGCG which helps keep your metabolism high the entire day. It has no side effects.

2. Whole Grain Bread:
whole grain bread
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Whole grain bread is an excellent choice for sandwiches and a good source of healthy carbs. Whole grain bread is high in dietery fiber and the seeds have good nutritional value.Whole grain bread has a low glycemic index which makes it a very good carb. Make a healthy sandwich and fill it with healthy stuffings for a wholesome tasty snack.
But not all brown breads are made of whole grains.Some of them have color added in them to obtain that color.

3. Lentils:
lentils Fat burning food

Lentils are very amazing for your body.They help in preventing insulin spikes which can lead to fat deposits in belly area.Lentils are high in protein and can replace meats becoming a good option for vegetarians.Lentils cook very fast and can be used in lots of ways. Lentils can be baked, boiled or eaten as sprouts. Each way is healthy and is

4. Salmon:
salmon Fat burning food

Salmon is packed with good variety of fats which are useful for getting fit.It is also high in omega-3 fatty acids.Salmon is very easy to prepare and a has a variety of different recipes. It is easy on the pockets and goes well with vegetables and brown rice for example. Steam a salmon steak in a microwave for 2-3 minutes. Try garnishing with it Chermoula if you can get your hands on it. Delicious!

5. Pomegranates :

Fat burning food promegranate

Pomegranates are sweet and juicy and tasty to eat.But the also have folates and antioxidants which keep you healthy.The high amount of fiber in them is conducive to health management..Pomegranate juice is very tasty and can be mixed with other fruit juices. You can also use it in salads and fruit desserts.

6. Garlic and Onions:
Fat burning food garlic onions

Yes garlic and onions are not one food but two different ones.I am putting them together because they have similar use and have common combinations.
Minerals and oils found inside garlic and onions help increase metabolism and assist in the breakdown of fat.Can be great if you can tolerate the odour associated with them!!

7. Chillies:
Fat burning food chilli

Chillies are awesome if you want to reduce fat.It cranks up your metabolism and at the same time gives that spicy flavour to dull food. Chillies have a compound called capsaicin which has a thermogenic effect, meaning your body burns extra calories for about 25 minutes after you eat chillies.

8. Broccoli:
Fat burning food brocolli

Broccoli has a lot of fiber which is helps you feel full and thus is useful for getting lean. If you can ignore the taste and the flavour of broccoli, it is a low calorie, zero fat vegetable that can accompany any meal.It goes great with salads.

9. Berries:
Fat burning food berries

Berries have a high amount of antioxidants and various other nutrients. Frozen berries have their freshness locked in and their shelf life is increased quite a bit. Just put sum frozen berries in your mouth in summers. Almost like ice cubes, but these are tastier.Add them to your oatmeal,smoothies, cereal, low fat ice cream.Berries mixed with yoghurt are very delicious.

10. Lean Chicken:
Fat burning food lean chicken

Chicken is a very good type of white meat. It is better than red meat in terms of health and cholesterol.Chicken is tasty and high in protein. As we know protein is very important to lose fat and a balanced amount of protein in diet really helps a lot. Chicken can be used in lots of recipes for lunch and dinner.

11. Yoghurt:

It has a high amount of protein and calcium.It can be used for breakfast and as a snack when hungry. Low fat yoghurt is a great way to get your daily dose of calcium and protein. It can be a incorporated as a part of a delicious meal by adding fruits or cereal.

12. Brown Rice:
Fat burning food brown rice

Brown rice is inarguably the best form of rice.It has a lot of fiber compared to the polished white variety. The taste and texture of brown rice goes complements your meats (such as salmon and chicken) and vegetables.It gives a full feeling and you eat less..
Be sure to drink lots of water when you consume fiber rich foods.

13. Oranges:
Fat burning food orange

Oranges have a high amount of vitamin C.It is very helpful in burning fat.Vitamin C promotes the production of Carnitine in the body which oxidizes fatty acids (breaks them down).Oranges are best when eaten fresh in fruit form, not as supplements and juice as you don't get the full benefits and fiber. Oranges are rich in fiber content and can be eaten in various ways.

14. Eggs
Fat burning food eggs

Egg whites are good for health and are low in calories.It is not harmful, and can build muscles due to high protein content.The more muscles you have, the more calories will be needed to maintain and fuel them.So you burn more fat even while at rest.

15. Almonds and Nuts
Fat burning food almonds

Almonds and other nuts help build muscles and contain good fat.Almonds should be eaten with their skin intact.Removing the skin reduces the nutrient content. Almonds also reduce food cravings.So grab a handful whenever you feel hungry.And eat natural almonds, not salted and roasted.

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Top 5 Fat Loss Tips To Get Ripped

Fitness tips: get lean and ripped

Getting lean is not a cup of cake. It's not easy which is why fast fat loss is always a hot topic. So to get you closer to your dreams of getting ripped, here are 5 fat loss tips - from training to diet.

Article Summary:
-Emphasizing the negative repetition creates muscle trauma, which is good for fat burning.
-If you lose more than 3 pounds per week,  a lot of it was water and muscle

-A few beers every so often won't hurt, but if you do it regularly, you turn off fat burning.

For a majority of people getting lean is very difficult.It's not easy getting lean, at least for most people, which is why fast fat loss is always a hot topic. Most of you reading this probably want to uncover your abs sooner rather than later, for a midsection that looks like a cheese grater.

So to get you on the rocket ship to ripped, here are our top 5 fat loss blast-off tips from diet to training.

      Top 5 Weight Loss Tips

1. Eliminate Junk Food Most Of The Time:

You may think this is a no-brainer, but you'll be surprised at how those few chips, sodas and cookies on a regular basis add up (we just saw a cookie package, and each cookie, about two bites, packed 125 calories! Eat 8 and that's about half your daily calorie intake, 1,000 calories).

Notice that we said to eliminate junk "most of the time." That's because allowing it once or twice per week will prevent over-the-top binges. And besides, a loose-eating day, with a higher-calorie jolt, prevents your metabolism from slowing down, so it's a good thing.

Also, a common mistake is to make a gigantic calorie cut all at once. Many people get so motivated to lose fat that they starve themselves right off the bat. That causes your metabolism to slow to a crawl, and your body thinks it's starving, it hordes fat and burns your hard-earned muscle. That's when you get so frustrated that you give up.

The lesson is to reduce calories gradually, and the first action is to eliminate junk food, most of the time.
Fitness tips: get lean and ripped
You'll Be Surprised At How Those Few Chips,
Sodas And Cookies On A Regular Basis Add Up.

2. Tone Down Alcohol Consumption:

A few beers or libations every so often won't hurt, but if you do it regularly, you turn off fat burning. The reason is that your body burns off alcohol first, it becomes your primary energy substrate.

So as you're burning off the alcohol, what happens to the food you eat? It's merely surplus calories going directly to fat cells. Not good. That means when you do choose to drink, don't eat a lot while you indulge.

3. Slow Down The Negative Stroke Of Your Reps In The Gym:

On at least one set of your big compound exercises, use a 1 1/2-seconds-up, 4-to-6-seconds-down tempo. In other words, slow down the negative on every rep.

For example, on bench presses, fire it up, then lower it slowly on every rep. Emphasizing the negative creates more muscle trauma, and that's a good thing for fat burning.

That's because it takes energy to repair muscle damage. Your metabolism kicks into gear for the entire recovery process, usually about two days or more after your workout. So you're burning fat 24/7, yes, even while you sleep. Exciting stuff!
Fitness tips: get lean and ripped

Emphasizing The Negative Creates More Muscle Trauma,

And That's A Good Thing For Fat Burning.

4. Go For The Burn To End Each Target-Muscle Workout:

The best burn-inducing exercises are continuous-tension isolation moves, like leg extensions for quads, pushdowns for triceps and cable crossovers for chest.

By keeping tension on the target muscle throughout the set, you block blood flow. That occlusion creates muscle burn, which in turn enhances your natural growth hormone output. [Can J Appl Physio. 22:244-255; 1997]

GH strengthens muscles and connective tissue, but it's also a potent fat burner. That means muscle burn can help fuel the body fat churn.

End each body part with at least one set of a continuous-tension exercise, and make that set long enough to set fire to the target muscle, at least 12 controlled reps.
Fitness tips: get lean and ripped
The Best Burn-Inducing Exercises Are
Continuous-Tension Isolation Moves.
5.Do A Short Cardio Session After Each Weight Workout:

You burn off all the sugar in your bloodstream with 30 minutes to an hour of weight training. That means any activity right after immediately taps into body fat.

In other words, right after your weight training is prime fat-burning time. All it takes is 15 minutes on a treadmill or stationary bike to make a serious dent in your fat stores. It's the most efficient fat-burning cardio you can do.
Fitness tips: get lean and ripped
All It Takes Is 15 Minutes On A Treadmill Or Stationary
Bike To Make A Serious Dent In Your Fat Stores.

Don't Get Greedy

One last diet comment that we touched on briefly earlier: Don't get greedy; lose fat gradually. If you drop more than 3 pounds a week, you can be sure a lot of it was water and muscle.Continue that and you won't start looking better or feeling healthy, in fact, you'll feel like cr@p and look worse than you feel. We're all impatient when it comes to changing out bodies, but the best strategy is gradual and steady.

Have a goal of losing about 10 pounds of fat in a month as you keep lifting hard to build muscle. You'll be amazed at what shedding some ugly fat and gaining some rock-hard muscle will do for your total look and how you feel, from both health and self-confidence standpoints.And remember, if you do it right you'll be adding muscle and losing fat, in a sense, morphing mush to muscle, so the scale isn't something you should pay attention to very closely.

In other words, if you lose 10 pounds of fat and gain 10 pounds of muscle, you will look completely different (so much better), but the scale will read exactly the same. It's the fat-to-muscle reshuffle.

A better strategy to gauge your progress is to take photos every few weeks. They're real eye-openers. You can take relaxed front, side and back views, or you can shoot those "before" standards along with a variety of bodybuilding-type poses (put the camera on a tripod, if possible, at about waist height so you get a balanced top-to-bottom assessment).

Be sure to keep a list of the shots you take-the poses you hit-and the camera settings you use. A few weeks later, take photos again and use the same poses and camera settings.

Also, and this is important, if possible be sure the lighting is the same. Take the pictures in a room with a fairly bright overhead light and don't use the flash on your camera or your muscularity will be washed out.


You should see noticeable changes in your body if you're consistent, work out with weights for about an hour four days a week and follow each session with 15 minutes of cardio.

Cardio on your off days is okay, just don't overdo it. Even 30 minute walks will add to your calorie deficit. And eat clean, but don't starve yourself, get plenty of protein, fruits and vegetables without the junk.

Try all of the above for 30 days and prepare to be amazed! Your attention-grabbing physique will start to peak, and soon you'll be smiling when you peel off your shirt and hear, "Man, where'd you get those abs?"